About Us
DataSpace specialises in the most advanced customer/person location tracking for retail, office and residential spaces. From an individual to any person grouping by any criteria. We provide you with person behaviour movements; from an individual to any person grouping based on any criteria. We correlate person specific customer data with our unique data stores creating 360-degree customer intelligence. DataSpace is like Google analytics for physical spaces. DataSpace is fully privacy laws compliant (AU, NZ, GDPR)

Informed and Improved decision making:
- Data driven understanding of customer needs and wants
- Data driven shop location/relocations and operational decision making
- Near real-time marketing, promotion feedback and post event analysis insights
- Asset management decisions (predictive analysis shop moves, car park builds/expansion etc.)
- Customer segmentation and personalisation (marketing, promotions)
- Safety – violent incident/weapons detection and identification of ‘trespassed’ individuals
- Identification of on-site stollen vehicles
- Identify a person of interest – in mall residential, office or car par
- Track through mall, residential areas, office
- Automated person of interest security alerts (e.g. trespassed persons)
- Equipment/Object detection (artwork, stalls etc.)
- Weapons detection (unconcealed
- Prior to mall, residential, office (e.g. a car park)
- Protective Equipment – detects PPE usage

- Staff location relative to customer densities
- Measure response times to events (spillages, breakages etc.)
- Measure service continuity
- Staff location monitoring
- Asset tracking (cleaning carts etc.)
- Staff and asset location tracking e.g. toilet facilities