DataSpace not only tells you what people do in your retail spaces but more importantly why they do what they do.
Not only is our customer intelligence second to none but, you are able to consume it in ways that best suit your needs. DataSpace offers everything from curated data sets that your data team can consume and analyse, to full analytic and insight services

Change to data driven decision making:
- Watch your customers movements and retail decisions in real-time as they navigate your retail premises.
- Understand what drives shopper wants and needs .
- Model store location changes based on data facts.
- Real time marketing and promotion feedback at your fingertips including post event analysis insights.
- Move to data driven asset management decision making (car park builds/expansion…)
- Immediate, near real-time customer segmentation and personalisation analysis in near real time.
- Safety – stop violent incident/weapons events before they reach your premises by detecting in near real time at source